
減災サステナブル技術協会 会則
2019 年1 ⽉28 ⽇発⾏
第1 章 名称と事務局
第1 条(名称)
第2 条(事務局)
第2 章 ⽬的と事業
第3 条(⽬的)
第4 条(事業)
⑴ 減災システム・装置などの研究、開発・提案及び普及に関する業務
⑵ 減災システム・装置などの利⽤、活⽤にかかる研究及び開発に関する業務
⑶ 減災システム・装置などに避難した際の⽣存技術に関する研究及び開発事業
⑷ 災害発⽣時に減災システム・装置などが正常に機能するための仕組みづくりに関する事業
⑸ 減災に関する教育、研修、セミナー、講演の企画及び運営
⑹ 減災システム・装置などに関する認定及びライセンス事業
⑺ その他当法⼈の⽬的を達するために必要な事業
第3 章 会員
第5 条(会員)
第6 条(⼊会・退会,除名,資格喪失)
⑴ 本定款その他の規則に違反したとき。
⑵ 当法⼈の名誉を傷つけ、⼜は⽬的に反する⾏為をしたとき。
⑶ その他除名すべき正当な事由があるとき。
⑴ ⼊会⾦または年会費の⽀払義務を半年以上履⾏しなかったとき。
⑵ 総会員が同意したとき。
⑶ 当該会員が死亡し、⼜は解散したとき。
第7 条(会員の権利と義務)
第8 条(会費)
2.年会費は法⼈会員が50,000 円,個⼈会員が10,000 円を⼀⼝とする。

  1. 2 ⼝以上の⼊会⾦は、協会に対する寄付⾦として取り扱う。
    第4 章 会議
    第9 条(総会)
    ついて審議・決定する。全会員の3 分の2 以上の出席(委任状を有効とする)をもって成⽴し,議事は
    第10 条(理事会)
    理事会は,本会の運営・統括に関する事項を審議・決定する。役員の3 分の2 以上の出席(委任状を有
    第11 条(合同勉強会)
    勉強会は,原則として年3 回を⽬安とし開催する。
    第5 章 役員
    第12 条(役員)
  2. 会⻑(President)1 名
    2.副会⻑(Vice- President)1 名
    3.理事3 名以上 ただし代表理事を含む
    第13 条(役員の選任及び任期)
    3.任期は当該事業年度期末における定時総会を期限に最⻑2 期4 年とし,再任を妨げない。
    6.理事は、第12 条に定める定数に⾜りなくなるときは、任期の満了⼜は辞任により退任した後も、
    第14 条(役員の任務)
    第6 章 役職者
    第15 条(役職者の選任と任期)
    第16 条(役職者の任務)
    第7 章 会計
    第17 条(会計)
    第18 条(会計年度)
    本会の会計年度は,毎年11 ⽉1 ⽇より翌年10 ⽉31 ⽇までとする。
    第19 条(報酬等)
    第20 条(剰余⾦)
    第8 章 会則
    第21 条(会則の施⾏)
    本会則は2019 年1 ⽉1 ⽇より施⾏する。
    第22 条(会則の変更)
    第23 条(会則と定款の関係)
    第24 条(解散)
    第9 章 法令の準拠等
    第25 条(法令の準拠)
    第26 条(残余財産の帰属)
    17 号イからトまでに掲げる法⼈に贈与するものとする。

Association for Disaster Mitigation and Sustainable Technology Constitution
January 28, 2019
Chapter 1 Name and Secretariat
Article 1 (Name)
The name of the Association shall be “Association for Sustainable Disaster Mitigation Technology”.
Article 2 (Secretariat)
The Secretariat of the Society shall be located in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. The Secretary General may be appointed from among the members by the President and Vice-Presidents.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman may appoint a Secretary General from among the members.
Chapter 2 Objectives and Business
Article 3 (Purpose)
The objective of the Society shall be to develop, propose and promote disaster mitigation systems and devices.
Article 4 (Business)
The Society shall carry out the following activities in order to contribute to the objectives stated in the preceding article.
(1) Research, development, proposal and dissemination of disaster mitigation systems and devices
(2) Research and development for the use and application of disaster mitigation systems and devices.
(3) Research and development work related to the technology of living in the event of evacuation from disaster mitigation systems and devices, etc.
(4) Businesses related to the establishment of a mechanism for the normal functioning of disaster mitigation systems and devices when disaster occurs.
(iv) Planning and operation of education, training, seminars and lectures on disaster mitigation
(iv) Certification and licensing of disaster mitigation systems and devices
(iv) Other activities necessary to achieve the purpose of the corporation.
Chapter 3 Membership
Article 5 (Members)
Members of the Society shall be as follows
1. corporate member
Legal persons or organizations who agree with the purpose of this association and who pay the annual membership fee.
2. individual member
Individuals who agree with the purpose of this association and pay the annual membership fee.
Special Member
A legal person or organization that agrees with the purpose of this Membership, or a person who is equivalent thereto, and an expert recognized by JEMAI.
4. Student Member
Students of universities or graduate schools who agree with the purpose of this association and who are recognized by the association.
Article 6 (Admission, Withdrawal, Expulsion and Disqualification)
1. Those wishing to join the association shall submit an application form with the prescribed information, together with the annual membership fee for the current fiscal year. Representative
2. A person may become a member of the Society upon approval of the Representative Director.
2. If there is a candidate for membership of the Society, the General Assembly shall decide on the candidate’s candidacy based on the recommendation of the members.
3. A person who wishes to withdraw from the Society shall pay the annual membership fee for the current fiscal year and submit a notice of withdrawal to the Representative Director.
The Society may withdraw from the membership at any time. However, the member may withdraw from the Society at any time.
4. A member may be expelled by a resolution of the General Assembly when the member falls under any of the following conditions
(1) Violates these Articles of Incorporation or any other rules and regulations.
(2) When a member has acted in a way that is detrimental to the reputation of the association or contrary to its purpose.
(3) When there are other justifiable reasons for expulsion.
(5) A member shall be disqualified from membership if he/she falls under any of the following conditions
(1) The member has failed to pay the admission fee or annual membership fee for more than six months.
(2) When all members agree to the disqualification.
(3) The member dies or is dissolved.
Article 7 (Rights and Obligations of Members)
(1) Members shall be provided with MISHOP information as well as the MISHOP’s journal. 2.
(2) The members shall have the right to advertise and publicize the shared technical information of the association to others.
3. Presenters at joint study sessions, etc. must be members. In principle, co-presenters must also be members.
Article 8 (Membership Fee)
Article 8 (Membership Fee)
1. Members shall pay an entrance fee for the first year of membership and an annual membership fee within that year. 2.
2. The annual membership fee shall be 50,000 yen for corporate members and 10,000 yen for individual members.
Special members and student members shall be exempt from entrance fee and annual fee.

Entrance fees for more than 2 parts will be treated as a donation to the association.

Chapter 4 Meetings

Article 9 (General Meetings)

The General Assembly shall consist of the annual General Assembly and extraordinary General Assemblies held as necessary.

The General Assembly shall deliberate and decide on important matters. The General Assembly shall be held with the attendance of more than two thirds of the members (a letter of proxy is also valid).

The agenda shall be decided by a majority of those present. In case of a tie, the chairperson shall make the decision.

2. Each member, other than officers, may attend and express opinions at general meetings, but shall have no voting rights. However, they shall not have voting rights.

Article 10 (Board of Directors)

The Board of Directors shall deliberate and decide on matters concerning the management and administration of the Society. The Board of Directors shall be constituted by the attendance of two-thirds or more of the members of the Board of Directors (a letter of proxy shall be accepted).

The Board of Directors shall be formed by the attendance of two-thirds or more of the officers (a letter of proxy is valid), and the agenda shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those present. In case of a tie, the chairperson shall decide.

In case of a tie, the chairperson shall decide.

Article 11 (Joint study meetings)

In principle, a study meeting shall be held three times a year as a rule.

Chapter 5 Officers

Article 12 (Officers)

The Society shall have the following officers

1. a President

2. 1 Vice President

3. 3 or more Directors, including the Representative Director

Article 13 (Election and Term of Office of Officers)

1. Officers shall be elected by a resolution of the General Assembly.

2. The Directors shall elect a Representative Director from among themselves. 3.

3. The term of office shall be for a maximum of two (2) terms of four (4) years, expiring at the Annual General Meeting at the end of the relevant fiscal year, and reappointment is not precluded.

The term of office of a Director elected to fill the vacancy of a Director who retires before the expiration of his/her term shall expire when the term of office of his/her predecessor expires.

The term of office of a director elected to fill a vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be until the expiration of the term of office of the predecessor.

5. The term of office of a Director elected due to an increase in the number of Directors shall expire when the term of office of the other Directors in office expires.

If the number of Directors is insufficient to fill the quorum stipulated in Article 12, they shall continue to hold office until the expiration of their term of office or until the newly elected Director retires from office due to resignation,

6. If the number of Directors is reduced to the number specified in Article 12, they shall continue to have the rights and duties as Directors until a newly elected person assumes office. 7.

The term of office of the Chairman shall expire at the annual general meeting, but reappointment is not precluded. The term of office of the Chairman shall expire at the Annual General Meeting, but reappointment is not precluded.

The President shall be elected by the General Assembly when another person assumes the office of the President for any reason.

Article 14 (Duties of the Officers)

The Chairman shall preside over the General Assembly and the Joint Study Meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President. 2.

2. The vice president shall assist the president. In the absence of the Vice President, the Representative Director shall perform his/her duties in his/her place. 3.

3. The Representative Director shall convene meetings of the Board of Directors. The Representative Director shall convene meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall also convene the General Assembly and Joint Study Meetings by order of the Chairman, and shall also serve as the Chairman.

3. The Representative Director shall convene meetings of the Board of Directors.

4. The Director shall establish the Board of Directors and shall be responsible for the management and supervision of the Society. The director shall establish the board of directors and manage and supervise the general meeting, the board of directors meetings and the joint study sessions.

The director selects the venue for the general meeting, board of directors meetings, and joint study sessions, and carries out the necessary procedures.

Chapter 6 OFFICERS

Article 15 (Election and Term of Office)

1. Election of officers and addition or deletion of officers shall be made by a resolution of the Board of Directors. 2.

2. The Director of the Technical Division, the Director of the Public Relations Division, and the Director of the Sales Division shall be elected from among the Directors.

3. Special advisors, counselors, counselors and advisors shall be elected from the special members.

4. In principle, the term of office shall be the same as that of the officers, but this shall not apply if they wish to retire.

Article 16 (Duties of Officers)

The officers shall contribute to the activities of the association to the fullest extent possible, making use of their own knowledge, experience, information, technology, etc.

Chapter 7 Accounting

Article 17 (Accounting)

1. The Society’s expenses shall be met by annual membership fees, funds, etc. 2.

2. The Society may ask members or third parties to contribute to the fund, but the Board of Directors shall decide on the subscription, allocation, and payment of the fund.

The Board of Directors shall determine the procedures for soliciting, allocating, and paying into the fund. 3.

The refund of the contributed fund shall be made by the date agreed with the contributor. The total amount of the fund to be returned shall be decided by the general meeting.

The total amount of the fund to be returned shall be decided by a resolution of the general meeting.

The place and method of return and other necessary matters shall be as decided by the Board of Directors. 4.

4. The Representative Director or a person designated by the Representative Director to act in his/her place shall be responsible for the accounting of income and expenses for each fiscal year, and shall obtain the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

Article 18.

Article 18 (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year of the SPRUC shall begin on November 1st of each year and end on October 31st of the following year.

Article 19 (Remuneration, etc.)

The Directors shall be compensated for the performance of their duties in an amount calculated in accordance with the standards for payment of remuneration, etc. separately determined by the General Assembly, and paid to the Director in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation.

The Directors may be paid as remuneration, etc., in compensation for the performance of their duties, in an amount calculated in accordance with the standards for payment of remuneration, etc., separately determined by a resolution of the General Meeting.

Article 20 (Distribution of Surplus)

The Society may not make any distribution of surplus.

Chapter 8 Constitution

Article 21 (Enforcement of Constitution)

The Constitution and By-Laws shall come into effect on January 1, 2019.

Article 22 (Amendment of the Constitution)

The Constitution may be amended by the Board of Directors and by the General Assembly.

Article 23 (Relationship between the Constitution and the Articles of Incorporation)

This constitution is an excerpt of the constitution and is made as a set of rules necessary for the implementation of the constitution. The constitution should be as plain as possible.

In the event of any discrepancy in interpretation between the Constitution and the By-Laws, the interpretation of the Constitution shall, in principle, prevail.

Article 24 (Dissolution)

The SPRUC shall be dissolved by a resolution of the General Assembly or for any other reasons stipulated by laws and regulations.

Chapter 9 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Article 25 (Compliance with Laws and Regulations)

All matters not provided for in these Articles of Incorporation shall be governed by the provisions of the Law for General Incorporated Associations and General Incorporated Foundations and other applicable laws and regulations.

All matters not stipulated in these Articles of Incorporation shall be governed by the provisions of the laws for general associations and foundations and other laws and regulations.

Article 26 (Vesting of Residual Assets)

The residual assets of the Society in the event of liquidation shall be distributed to the national or local government, a public interest incorporated association or a public interest incorporated foundation through a resolution of the General Assembly.

The residual assets in the event of liquidation of the Society shall be distributed to the national or local government, public interest incorporated associations, public interest incorporated foundations, or public interest incorporated associations and public interest incorporated foundations under the provisions of Article 5, items (a) through (g) of the Act on Authorization, etc. of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Public Interest Incorporated Foundation, after a resolution of the General Meeting.

The assets shall be donated to the national government, local public entities, public interest incorporated associations, or public interest incorporated foundations, or to those listed in Article 5 (a) through (g) of the Act on the Authorization of Public Interest Incorporated Associations and Foundation Art.
